Saturday, January 10, 2015

My First Blog! YIKES!

OK, Here goes nothing! 

My very first blog post EVAH! I can now empathize with writers who sit down in front off a blank piece of paper and freeze! I had all of these great ideas of things I could blog about...they would be funny and creative, and I would have this awesome sense of accomplishment. I have read a few blogs in my time, and it doesn't look that difficult; I've been told I am a good writer, and that people enjoy the things I have written... (OK, it's mainly just my husband who says that, but his opinion counts, doesn't it??)

I dream of an organized, beautifully laid out blog page, filled with easy to navigate links to all kinds of wonderful content...brilliant (completed) sewing projects, recipes, and life experiences. Reviews of movies, sewing patterns, and various products I've tried and want to give my (humble) opinion about. But where does one start? I'm feeling more than a little overwhelmed with my over ambitious plans! BREATHE! Just Breathe!

I guess I'll just have to hold my breath and jump! To quote the Doctor, "Allons-y"...Let's go! So please forgive all of my newbie mistakes and probable long silences as I figure out what I am doing here!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a test. I see that someone else was able to comment. Hoping my problem is over. Thanks, Lauressa.
